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Anti-Fraud: Public Education

The Fraud Prevention and Control Bill ("Anti-Fraud Bill"), beyond imposing extensive compliance obligations on relevant industries, also emphasizes public education and awareness to enhance general understanding and literacy regarding fraud:


Government Incentives and Subsidies 

In the realm of public education and awareness, the government is empowered to offer incentives or subsidies for initiatives related to education, technical assistance, fraud prevention research, and talent cultivation. By increasing public awareness of fraudulent methods and advancing technical capabilities, fraud becomes increasingly difficult to perpetrate.


Collaboration with Private and International Entities 

Furthermore, the government must collaborate with private sector entities, relevant industries, and engage in cooperation and exchanges with foreign governments and non-governmental organizations. This collective effort aims to significantly enhance capacities for crime prevention, investigation, and protection.


Regular Training for Industry Stakeholders 

The government, along with the industries regulated under this Bill (financial institutions, telecommunications, internet advertising platforms, third-party payment services, e-commerce, and online gaming), must regularly conduct educational training sessions. These trainings ensure that personnel are equipped to effectively respond to emerging fraudulent techniques.


Through education and awareness initiatives, the public's ability to identify fraudulent activities will be markedly improved, thereby reducing the success rate of fraud attempts. The Anti-Fraud Bill not only addresses the escalating issue of fraud through punitive measures but also enshrines education and awareness as a fundamental responsibility of relevant authorities, which is indeed a promising development. While detailed provisions are yet to be formulated by the government, future educational content and themes can be tailored to the needs of different groups (general public, industries, authorities, and international conferences). It is foreseeable that the sharing of practical anti-fraud experiences by industry practitioners will become crucial educational material. This exchange will be particularly beneficial for law enforcement personnel, whose understanding of new fraudulent techniques will heavily rely on the insights provided by industry experts.




Editor: Doris Lin, Harvey Huang

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